Wednesday 16 November 2011

Crowdfund My Soul (Pt 2) Remix

The core objective of crowdfunding is often misconstrued to be about raising money. Well, as the title suggests one aspect of the process is financial, but the more important element is building a community of people interested in your project.

It is a process that introduces you to potential supporters, fans, and collaborators. In many cases people who can elevate your project to the next level. For funders, the interest is often deeper than giving you money - it is an indication of a shared belief, trust in you as an individual and your ability to deliver the dream you've just sold to them.

It's not uncommon to suddenly find yourself in a position where you have to meet the expectations of 'the many', and the spotlight is on you! Pressure? It shouldn't be, here's why.

Some see crowdfunding is a two edged sword - raise money and get fans? True, but there is another angle I'd like to explore. How about using the crowdfunding response to demonstrate the potential of your project? It shows how in-tune you are with the target audience, and most importantly this response should place the audience at the heart of your decision making.

Let me explain - crowdfunding should be about exposure, word of mouth, buzz, eyeballs and interest. It's a different currency, and it's better than ratings or even focus groups. You have the interest of an audience and they have helped get your project off the ground - that should count for something!

When someone puts a price tag on your project or wants a piece of your action, you'd be well advised not to forget your core audience and risk alienating them. Your funders will always be loyal and will even give you a better bargaining position, if you ever need one. We are at a time when you can say "People Power" counts for something - you have proof of concept, it's so appealing that the public is willing to help fund a dream into reality.

Big companies pay a fortune for this kind of buzz, don't lose focus - your loyalty lies with your grassroots funders, keep them happy and you will shine.

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